Why Americans Are Hiding In Their Shells and Shun Contact  ©2013

We as Americans tend to draw into our collective shells because we do not know what is real anymore. The classic term, “TOO MUCH INFORMATION” applies here.
We don’t know what to believe anymore.

With the internet, what used to be rantings of some underground printing press leaflets are now out there for EVERYONE to easily see, read and digest.
Thomas Payne, Fredric Marx, Chicken Little, all would have KILLED for the kind of power the internet provides now to reach millions with one click.
Unfortunately, there is photoshop, fake videos on You Tube, pic stealing, fake profiles, government spying, and viruses.
TODAY, if I want to be a beautiful black woman on an ebony website, I can do it in about an hour…WITH PICS.
TOMORROW if I want to be a rich Jewish doctor on JDate, OK….with a photo of my degree to boot.

AS A HUMOUROUS ASIDE: …. Here is some pics some not-so-talented Kenyans tried to pass as a real woman on a dating site. Just to let you know how bad the level of deceit has gone. They all “live” in Grand Island, Nebraska and like to take long walks on the beach there.

Attached Thumbnails

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